BIG China: A Personal Perspective and the Third Plenary Session’s Communiqué

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Understanding China from a foreign perspective is both an eye-opening and enlightening endeavor. As a Kiribati diplomat residing in China for over two years, I am often asked about my impression of the country. My response encapsulates a single word: "BIG." In capital letters, the word describes  China’s physical size  as well as its overall beauty, a blend of ancient and modern elements, and its ongoing growth. These reflections align closely with the themes outlined in the Third Plenary Session’s Communiqué, which articulates the nation’s aspirations and strategic directions. This article explores the multifaceted concept of "BIG" China, weaving personal observations with the goals and visions laid out in the Communiqué.

Beautiful China

The "B" in BIG stands for Beautiful. China's beauty is manifold, encompassing its people, culture, traditions, and landscapes. Chinese culture is rich  in festivals, traditional clothing, and diverse religious and cultural practices. China's architectural landscape, marked by both historical structures and modern marvels, adds to this beauty. Cities like Xi’an and Beijing exemplify the coexistence of ancient and contemporary architecture, creating a visually and culturally rich environment. China's vast natural landscapes, including its rivers, mountains, and rural expanses, further enhance its beauty. My fellow Kiribati nationals who have visited China have expressed similar sentiments,  underscoring China’s allure and splendor.

By emphasizing the importance of building a Beautiful China, the Communiqué reinforces this notion of beauty. It highlights the need for ecological conservation and sustainable development, aiming to balance economic growth with environmental protection. The focus on creating a high-quality living environment for its people aligns with my observation of China’s commitment to maintaining its natural and cultural beauty.

Integrated China

The "I" in BIG represents Integration. China’s ability to blend its ancient heritage with modern advancements is remarkable. Besides its architecture, this integration is also evident in the attitudes and behaviors of its people. The Chinese strive to advance technologically and scientifically while remaining rooted in their cultural values and principles. This blend of innovation and tradition fosters a society that is both forward-thinking and respectful of its principles and values.

The Communiqué explicitly addresses this integration, outlining goals to build a high-standard socialist market economy and advance people’s democracy. It emphasizes the need for reforms that are integrated, focused, and effective, ensuring that modernization efforts do not come at the expense of social and cultural coherence. This strategic vision reflects China’s dedication to harmonizing its rapid development with its rich historical legacy.

Growing China

The "G" in BIG stands for Growing. China’s growth is evident in its rapid economic development and increasing global influence. As China strives to become the most modern socialist country in the world, its growth trajectory is marked by advancements in technology, infrastructure, and international trade. This growth is not merely quantitative but also qualitative, aiming to improve the overall quality of life for its people.

The Communiqué delineates a clear roadmap for China’s growth, setting ambitious targets for 2035 and beyond. It envisions a fully developed socialist market economy, a modernized governance system, and the realization of socialist modernization. Through these goals, China aims to become a great modern socialist nation by the middle of the century. The emphasis on economic structural reform, social fairness, and justice underscores the comprehensive nature of this growth.

China is a Big-Hearted Brother

China’s growth and development extend beyond its borders, as evidenced by its relationships with other countries. His Excellency Taneti Maamau, President of Kiribati, commended China as a ‘true friend,’ highlighting the deepening ties between our nations. Since the resumption of diplomatic relations in 2019, China’s sincere assistance and support to Kiribati—including fostering investments and trade—underscores its commitment to international cooperation. The presence of Chinese engineers and builders, medical teams, agricultural experts, and Chinese language and cultural instructors in Kiribati further exemplifies this dedication.

The Communiqué reinforces China’s role as a global partner, emphasizing its dedication to ecological conservation, climate change mitigation, and green development. China’s efforts to enhance cooperation with other countries and develop new institutions for a high-standard open economy are pivotal. These initiatives aim to expand market access and support sustainable development globally, benefiting countries like Kiribati and fostering mutual growth and prosperity.


In conclusion, the concept of "BIG" China encapsulates the nation’s beauty, integration, and growth. My personal experiences and observations resonate deeply with the themes articulated in the Third Plenary Session’s Communiqué. China’s commitment to preserving its natural and cultural beauty, integrating its rich heritage with modern advancements, and pursuing sustainable growth is commendable. As China continues to deepen and strengthen its global partnerships, it stands as a beacon of progress and cooperation. This Communiqué not only reflects China’s aspirations but also outlines a roadmap for a harmonious and prosperous future. Through its actions and initiatives, China exemplifies the essence of being BIG – a nation that is beautiful, integrated, and growing, with a big heart that embraces its friends and partners worldwide.

The author is Kiribati Ambassador to China.

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