Belt & Road
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President Xi Jinping said Friday that China will increase imports of goods and services on a larger scale.
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Across the Globe: The Belt and Road in Action

Since it was proposed in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative has won support in regions across the globe including Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Central and Eastern ...
26.04.2019 — 144039 views
Joel Ruet on BRI: First Sketch, Then Go to Details

Major challenges faced by the BRI are in fact faced by any initiative in the world.
26.04.2019 — 2271 views
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Belt and Road Initiative: New Logic for International Interactions

The Belt and Road Initiative helps expand the world market and create more jobs, contributes wisdom for promoting development, and strongly supports the realization of the Unite...
25.04.2019 — 1888 views
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Belt and Road Studies Network inaugurated

The Belt and Road Studies Network (BRSN), co-initiated by Xinhua Institute and 15 other think tanks, was inaugurated in Beijing Wednesday.
25.04.2019 — 1810 views
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The English and French editions of a compilation of President Xi Jinping's discourses on the Belt and Road Initiative were published Wednesday.
Straightforward Development and Boosts in African Investment

Infrastructure projects under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative streamline necessary arrangements to build infrastructure in Africa and enable local businesses to in...
25.04.2019 — 1628 views
Belt and Road Initiative: New Avenues for Global Cooperation

Through seizing new ideas, exploring new models and coping with new challenges, China is pursuing mutual benefits and win-win results with an increasing number of countries.
19.04.2019 — 2330 views
2018年铁路建设技术国际培训班 参观考察
Connecting China with the World

"We have become close friends and established deep connections with many foreign students taking training classes."
08.04.2019 — 1853 views
Help Beyond Borders

“We have settled there, become immersed in the community and maintained contact with locals every day. They know us, and we know them. This is how people-to-people bonds really ...
08.04.2019 — 2220 views


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