23.09.2020 — 15912 views

Finally Back in China

I returned to China on September 17 after nearly eight months abroad. I have been calling China home since 2014, but I left in 2017 to take care of my family back in France, and came back in 2018 b...
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A Bite of Chinese Food Culture

China is rich in values reflected in the simple, meaningful and mysterious acts performed in daily life.
23.04.2020 — 12822 views
Middle earth podcast 3
Podcasting from China

Listening to podcasts is an intimate experience. Providers must develop other ways to reach out to an audience.
23.04.2020 — 11093 views
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Anshan: A Clearer Look at China

Anshan is not more “real” China than Beijing or Shanghai, but it—like other small cities—offers a chance to see China unhurried by the thousand people in line behind you in larg...
30.03.2020 — 5199 views
An Indian’s Take on Beijing

The more I zoomed in on the little details that make life in China so distinct—those missed by a tourist’s eyes—the more I began to feel at home.
23.10.2019 — 4311 views
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16.10.2019 — 1765 views

China: Offering Something for Everyone

Students from the Emerging Markets Institute of Beijing Normal University find value in China’s experience to take back home.
Chinese Animation’s Big Leap: Examining the Nezha Phenomenon

Unpacking the Nezha phenomenon shows a clever blend of East and West but raises questions about the future of China’s animation sector.
15.10.2019 — 3580 views
Reflections on Chinese Hospitality

The Chinese are careful to be good hosts and leave lasting impressions on guests. They highly value relationships with friends and family.
29.05.2019 — 5169 views
Talking Movies in China

It’s refreshing to live in a country where Marvel doesn’t dominate, and the new Star Wars installments are greeted with a collective shrug.
16.04.2019 — 4286 views
My First Spring Festival in China

I hope to take some of the traditions back home when I return to the United States, both to remind me of my time here and to celebrate the friendships I have made in China.
04.03.2019 — 22996 views


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