Inter-Civilizational Dialogue among SCO Countries 2024 Held in Kazakhstan

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The Inter-Civilizational Dialogue among SCO Countries 2024 is held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, June 20, 2024.

On June 20, more than 130 representatives from the eight member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) attended the Inter-Civilizational Dialogue among SCO Countries 2024, held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan. At the event, the attendees extensively exchanged views on a wide range of topics under the theme of “Fostering Inter-Civilizational Dialogue and Cooperation among SCO Countries and Promoting the Development and Progress of Human Civilization.”

Yu Yunquan, vice president of China International Communications Group (CICG), said in his speech that the SCO countries should uphold the Shanghai Spirit and respect the diversity of the SCO family in inter-civilizational dialogue, carry forward the tradition of fostering friendship and promoting mutual learning in the region, and enrich the fruits of the Global Civilization Initiative with a global perspective. Yu added that the SCO, as a crucial and constructive force in international and regional affairs, has championed stability, development, justice, and people’s wellbeing through collective, united, and collaborative efforts. Yu also noted the significant theoretical and practical exploration of the SCO has helped advancing modernization and building a global community of shared future, which has valuable implications for the international community.

Yu Yunquan, vice president of CICG, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the event.

Sohail Khan, deputy secretary-general of the SCO, noted that the SCO has been committed to promoting the mutual understanding between peoples, developing and enriching diverse cultures, and inheriting folk traditions among the member countries. He added that public diplomacy, as one of the cooperation areas among the SCO countries, has served as a bridge to enhance mutual understanding of each other’s civilizations, histories, traditions, and ideologies, and forged strong relations among the member countries.

Sohail Khan, deputy secretary-general of the SCO, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the event.

Aidyn Kapashev, deputy chairman of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan, highlighted that the attendees engaged in in-depth discussions on the contributions of the SCO countries to the development of world civilizations, exploring ways to inherit and preserve spiritual values and cultural heritage and deepen cultural cooperation.

Aidyn Kapashev, deputy chairman of the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony of the event.

This event featured three sub-forums focusing on think tanks, cultural heritage preservation, and youth, respectively, involving topics centered on “Future Orientation of Humanity: Condensing the Wisdom of the SCO Countries,” “Safeguarding Cultural Roots and Promoting Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations,” and “SCO’s Future: Raising the Sail of Youth.”

The attendees agreed that the Inter-Civilizational Dialogue among SCO Countries 2024 serves as a vital platform for inter-civilizational exchange and mutual learning among SCO countries, offering a favorable opportunity for these countries to progress together while advancing the Global Civilization Initiative. Additionally, the event has created a positive atmosphere for the upcoming SCO Summit in Astana.

The event was directed by China’s State Council Information Office and the SCO Secretariat, sponsored by CICG and “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation, and organized by the CICG Center for Europe and Asia (China Pictorial Publications), the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, the Center for Chinese Studies in Kazakhstan, Chinese Modernization Research Center (Kazakhstan), and the Management Committee of China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area.

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