19.03.2020 — 3242 views

A New Soul for Old Shoes

Like so many other time-honored brands, Neiliansheng is legendary. From the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) to present, the shoemaker has endured 164 years of wind and rain, evolving from custom-made...
Step-by-Step Development in Badong County

The future never just arrives, delivering automatic improvement. It is always arriving, bringing whatever it has in hand. For Badong County, it looks like the future is bringing...
17.03.2020 — 1811 views
The Famous Photo Shop

Taking photos not only freezes images, but captures timeless moments. Da Bei Photo, a nearly century-old photo studio, has preserved precious memories for thousands of household...
04.03.2020 — 2424 views
Sustainable Social Security

For a large country like China, nationwide coordination of pension funds has become an irresistable trend. Building the central adjustment system represents China’s resolution t...
03.03.2020 — 2044 views
Vatman Zhou Donghong: Life of a Master Craftsman

Calligraphy is an artistic treasure of Chinese culture, and rice paper shoulders the important task of holding it. From raw materials to the finished product, each roll of rice ...
01.03.2020 — 2876 views
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12.09.2019 — 2825 views

Fantastic Plants and Where to Find Them

“I hope that the Herbal Botanical Garden and the Beijing Expo will help foreign visitors better understand Chinese herbal medicine, more widely use Chinese medicine, and look closer at traditional Chinese medicine and even Chinese culture.”
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Shandong is Open for Business

Shandong is open for business with high-tech infrastructure, modern business, and cutting-edge agriculture and new gains are being made in ecological conservation.
17.07.2019 — 1993 views
2018年12月8日 贵州省毕节市威宁县 阳光新城
Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Bijie: For the Children Left Behind

By establishing supportive industries for poverty reduction, Bijie hopes to attract more migrant workers back home to stay with their kids. Only by their parents coming back wil...
24.05.2019 — 3153 views
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A fortune at hand: Yunnan innkeeper's road out of poverty

Tucked in a remote hamlet called Laomudeng in southwestern China's Yunnan province, Yu Wulin's guesthouse looks tidy, cozy, and sometimes exotic given its bamboo-made roofs and ...
13.05.2019 — 2226 views
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New homes in remote Yunnan village to welcome tourists

In a remote hillside village of China's Yunnan province, villagers are readying a grand reopening to welcome back tourists this September, following a two-year hiatus. In the vi...
13.05.2019 — 2681 views


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